Written by Dalal,Salma,NadaandFatima
Once upon a time there were 40 thieves who put their stolen money and treasures in a cave saying to the cave entrance (Open Sesame). A poor person saw them while they were doing that , so he heard the opening word . After they left he went towards the cave and opened it . Suddenly he found a very large quantity of money and golden treasures . He took some of it and went back home .
After that he became a rich man and his brother wanted to know how he became rich .
One day his brother followed him to solve that mystery. Next day the brother went back to the cave and opened it. He found a lot of money but when he tried to get out he could not . After a few minutes the thieves came in and saw the brother .
The boss asked him how he knew about the cave so he told them the story. They killed the brother and went to find Ali Baba's house.
Next morning the thieves hid in big jars and went to Ali Baba's house . The boss and two of his men pretended that they were merchants . Ali Baba invited them to lunch .After lunch they took a rest . The house maid went out and found 40 thieves in the jars , so she boiled hot oil and poured it on their heads to kill them.
After that Ali Baba lived in happiness for ever.
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