They say that the cat is the uncle of the tiger. Anyhow, one day a strong tiger saw her uncle the cat and asked him, "Oh, my uncle, why are you so small?"
The cat said, "If you were in the hands of human beings, you would know why I am so small."
Then the tiger said, "Show me a human being, will you, uncle?"
"Follow me!'' said the cat.
While they were going along, they saw cows grazing. "What are those, uncle?" asked the tiger. "Are they human beings?"
"Huh? A very young one of the human beings can gather a hundred of them before him and can bring them to these fields,''said the cat.
After some time they saw several camels. The tiger asked, "Uncle, are those human beings?"
"No," answered the cat. "A child can gather fifteen of them and can graze them."
They went on and met a woodchopper. The cat told of their mission. When the woodchopper heard this, he asked the tiger to put her forefeet between the two huge pieces of wood and hold them apart. When the tiger did this, the rail which was holding the two pieces apart fell down, and the forefeet of the tiger were pressed tightly between them.
The woodchopper laid down his axe and came to watch the tiger. The cat climbed up into a tree. The tiger began to ask, "What do you think, uncle? Will they set me free when I am as small as you are?"
"I do not know mew," said the cat whenever the tiger asked this question.
They say that the mewing of the cat began with this happening.
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